What Does 420 Friendly Mean?

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When you think of the word “friendly” what comes to mind? Benevolence? Kindness? A willingness to help others in their time of need or trouble? These words are all positive and welcome when they refer to people. So why it is that businesses want you to associate them with a term that has such negative connotations as “friendly”?

420 Friendly

So, what does 420 friendly mean? 420 friendly is a term that refers to marijuana consumption. It traditionally refers to weed users who can be open about their use at work/in public places and feel comfortable around other smokers/consumers of weed because they have no fear of judgement from colleagues or friends.

The term 420 friendly can be used to describe an individual or a business.

When used in reference to an individual, it means that the person is not judgmental of weed users and has no problem being around them. A 420 friendly person does not mind if others use weed even in their presence. He/She might even be partaking themselves.

When used on businesses it means that the shop or company welcomes smokers/consumers as customers, employees etc. It is a way for businesses to let weed users know that they are friendly towards them and want them as customers etc. It basically signifies an attitude of welcome and acceptance of weed smokers.

What Does 420 Friendly Mean?

Origins of 420 friendly

The phrase 420 comes from a group of teenagers or young adults known as the Waldos who hung out in San Rafael, California. They would meet up every day at 4:20 PM after school to smoke marijuana in this particular wall next to their high school’s campus. They were even known to say “4:20 Louis” when referring to the time they would meet up every day. When they eventually dispersed and moved on with their lives, they would often get together for reunions where they would make their way over to this wall and meet up at 4:20 PM.

Whether it was coincidence or intentional, the term “420 friendly” began to refer to weed smokers who were open about their use and willing to socialize with other users. The term stuck and has become a popular way for weed smokers to identify themselves.

Although 420 friendly can be used in reference to individuals, it is more commonly used in reference to businesses that welcome weed users. A business can be either 420 friendly or 420 unfriendly, they do not have to be both. It is purely a matter of choice and how the business wants to attract customers/smokers etc.